
Henry Robertson-Nicol
Integrative Therapist
My journey to becoming a therapist started later in life, and the transition presented challenges in my marriage, my relationships with family and friends, and most importantly with myself.
​Training as a therapist has been the most rewarding, and meaningful process I have ever embarked on. I am afforded the benefit of extensive life experience that is potentially unique in a therapist - as a man, as a stay-at-home dad, as someone who has lived and experienced many different cultures and working situations, and as an individual who has, at times, struggled with codependency and the corporate world. I understand what it is to feel judged on results rather than who I am, and to feel the intense pressure of 'keeping up with one's colleagues'.
​I believe that everyone is capable of living happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives if they can find the courage to look inwards. I understand that it can be daunting to take the first steps, having faced it myself. I am passionate and committed to helping people take this journey in a safe, understanding, and supportive environment.
“There is no hierarchy of suffering. There’s nothing that makes my pain worse or better than yours.”
Dr. Edith Eger